Smaart Measurement for My Headphones
My first sound class was in 2016 at New York City College of Technology, that was also the first time I buy an over-ear headphone for monitor and editing. I brought a HAS-10 from Lyx Pro . I brought it because I saw that they advertise it's a pair of monitor headphone. I did email Lyxpro for a frequency response chart of the headphone, but they never send that to me. So I was wondering if I could do a measurement of the headphone myself to find out the frequency response. During that time I just start to learn about audio, and I didn't hear about transfer function . Not until 2017, I took the sound system class. That's the first time I hear about transfer function and Smaart . In 2018 I took the Smaart fundamentals class. That's the time I learn how to do a frequency response measurement. Enough storytime, here is the measurement I got for my headphones. I did the measurement using Smaart V8. I used a Yamaha O1V96 to generate pink noise , sent to a Yamaha Ri8. I use...